Kathmandu. Singer Memorial Pokharel also debut as heroine in her. The film was the last time she turned to acting and YouTube social media exposure to her. He was also famous as a model for her. She says she is preparing for the third Refresh the 'I am fair in my work, even making me what my real mind is the thinking is off. 'Bekaba this season are also bolaki singer's Memorial Stage parphamara. More than 20 countries already shown his vocal talents on stage 40 he has diisakeki his presentation. Qatar recently completed a program of which more than 15 thousand audience viewer program hutiganle full.Sorry josieki his body without realizing that even now remembered, says Cadena sweater. Undeterred, hot model, singer and actress smrtisamga for the latest TV, KK Adhikari, especially video communication.