Sajha Sawal ‘Common Questions’ is a weekly debate programme from BBC Media Action Nepal broadcast on radio, TV and online. It provides dialogue between those in power and people who have been traditionally excluded, including rural communities and women.
‘Sajha Sawal’ was launched in October 2007. Sajha Sawal continues to break new ground and features most of Nepal’s top political leaders, bureaucrats and experts. Programmes are recorded across the country to reflect ethnic, cultural and geographical differences.
Sajha Sawal is aired nationwide on more than 250 community and commercial FM stations and on Kantipur TV. The programme goes on air every Sunday at 9 PM.
Please do share programmes from this official YouTube Channel of Sajha Sawal. Downloading and uploading on other platforms, editing the certain part is prohibited and is copyright issue. Sajha Sawal is produced with the support of Department for International Development (DFID) UK.