After marriage, spouses are possessive to one another -

8:08 PM

Let’s define

marriage. Let’s see the answer to the question ‘what is marriage?’

According to Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary, ‘Marriage is a legal

relationship between a husband and wife. However, marriage is a socially

and ritually recognized legal contract between spouses that establishes

rights and obligations between them and their family members.
Let us go back to an ancient time. All the people have lots of

responsibilities: some are masculine responsibilities and some are

feminine responsibilities. The masculine responsibilities are the

responsibilities that can be handled with strong muscles. Handling

cattle, hunting, fighting, using sharp weapons, security, gang fight,

war, carrying heavy loads, and all other physically hard works are known

as masculine responsibilities. Men could easily handle the masculine


Accordingly, the responsibilities that can be handled with more love,

affection and care using less physical work are known as feminine

responsibilities. Lovely and affectionate care to the children, caring

of elderly people, preparing food for the family, washing dishes,

preparing and washing clothes, feeding cattle, caring of the goods at

home, entertaining the family members and guests, making emotional bond

with them all, motivating them to the right tracks are the feminine


A person cannot fulfill all these responsibilities alone. To live a

normal human life, all the feminine and masculine responsibilities need

to be fulfilled on his/her behalf. People believe in marriage for all

their personal, family and social responsibilities can be fulfilled with

the help of their spouses. Besides, people believe in marriage to have

sexual pleasure and to re-generate their family and race.

That is why, we can conclude, marriage is a strong bond between spouses

that legalizes the sexual relationship and fulfills all the personal,

family and social responsibilities.

But to maintain the strong bond between the spouses, strong faith is

necessary. Both the husband and wife are possessive to each other in

most of the societies and the religions; so is there in Nepali society.

After marriage, when one makes physical and emotional attachments with

the third person, the spouse cannot bear tolerate it.

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