7:19 PM

This is the photo shoot video where an !ncr*edible pictures has been taken with the pole dancers going through their routines underwater We all will be excited to see an excitement of models and photographer and their jumped in the water and no one drowning. The stunning images, taken in Los Angeles, California, capture gymnasts showing off their skills under the surface of a diving pool by very amazing professional photographer Brett Stanley. He has made an involvement of Amateur pole dancers and novices in the photo shoot and some of the Japanese dancers were also able to work underwater for three minutes without drawing breath. As per the photographer Brett Stanley, the girls in the photo shoot are making it look very easy it was far from it, the relative zero gravity of the water means they had to re-think poses, up was now down, and having to hold their breathe along with all this just made it all complex. Shot over a few months, Mr Stanley, worked with the dancers to create the series, teaching them how to hold their breath under the water and collaborating on which poses worked best.

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