We all know that student life is the golden life. One can have nicest memory and experiences for entire life in this period of life. Students have too much time for entertainment, gossiping and many other funny and sometimes idiot activities. Nevertheless, there is too much pressure of study and career as well. The love story is the inseparable part of student life. The TV serial ‘Student’ shows the almost every aspect of student life. The student is one of the famous TV serial telecasted on HimShikhar Television of eastern Nepal. The serial Student has fun, comedy, romance, suspense, crime in its storyline. It has many inspirational and education, drama that motivates students to have faith in morality and responsibility. All together Student is the perfect package of student life that covers almost every single activity. You can enjoy all the episodes on YouTube channel tvnepali. The tv serial Student is produced of Panchadhura Devi Films Pvt. Ltd. With association of tvNepali YouTube channel. This is presented by Sabitra Timsina (Khanal). This is directed by Gyanendra Koirala. Have fun and follow Tvnepali for all updates and serials.