Australia’s emergency phone number is 000. It is a free call
from every phone in Australia, including mobile phones.
You should call 000 if you are in a life-threatening situation and need the
help of the police, fire brigade or ambulance service. This includes if you are
witnessing a crime in progress. Do not call 000 if it is not an emergency, for
example if you have a cold and need to see a doctor, if you are lost and need
directions, or if you are locked out of your house.
When you call 000, you will be connected to an operator who will help
progress your request for help. You will need to tell them which service you
need—police, fire or ambulance. It is important that you try to stay calm and
give the operator clear information on what the emergency is. Answer any
questions as best you can. It is extremely important that you tell the operator
where you are, and any landmarks that are nearby (a statue, bridge, store, etc).
While you are waiting for help to arrive, try to stay calm and don’t do anything
that will put yourself or others in danger. Generally, help will arrive very quickly
and it is best to leave these situations to the people who are trained to deal
with them.
Reporting a crime
If you need police assistance and it’s not an emergency, for example to report
a theft, either go to the nearest police station or call the police help line in
your state.
In the ACT, New South Wales, Tasmania, Northern Territory, South Australia
and Western Australia, you can call the Police Assistance Line on 131 444
and you will be connected to the police in your state. If you live in Victoria or
Queensland, you will need to contact your local police station.
Emergency Services
Every state and territory in Australia also has a State Emergency Service
(SES) organisation that assists police, fire and ambulance services in the
event of severe floods, storms, bushfires etc. They also assist in emergency
evacuations, search and rescue, and mass casualties.
If you need assistance from the SES because, for example, your home has
been damaged in a storm, you can call them on 132 500, no matter where
you are in Australia.